March 2020

Hello NPTA Members,

Our outdoor tennis for the 2020 season will be here in a few weeks.  Now is the time to begin contacting the league coordinators via the NPTA website to get registered for our programs.


What You Need to Know – 2020 Season

Annual Membership

Make sure your annual membership is renewed.  Cost is $35 for the calendar year (1/1–12/31) and covers all of our events.


Spring Leagues and Programs Begin Week of 4/20

Register here at  Space is limited so register ASAP.


Women’s Adv. Round Robin (Mon. 7-9 pm)            Men’s Doubles (Mon. 7-9 pm)*

Women’s Doubles (Wed. 7-9 pm)*                           Mixed League (Thurs. 7-9 pm)*

Mixed Round Robin (Sat. 9-11 am)                           Singles Ladder (TBD)*


League Coordinators

Women’s Adv. Round Robin: Denise Moser

Women’s Doubles: Karen Luongo and Mimi Knorr

Mixed Round Robin (Sat am): Carol Lenardson

Men’s Doubles: Bharat Rao

Mixed League (Thurs pm): Janet Michaels

Singles Ladder: Donald Doran


Imminent Construction

The entire back bank of courts will be out of commission from 6/1-8/15 for reconstruction.  This means that we will be restricted to 2 courts between those dates: 2 courts for NPTA, 2 courts for the rest of the New Providence community. To accommodate all of our programs, we’ll be staggering the start times and reducing the 2-hr matches to 1.5 hrs. For eg: Women’s Doubles on Wednesday nights will run in 2 staggered sessions from 7-8:30 and 8:30- 10 – again, just for the summer session.  We will also move the Women’s Monday night RR to a different night. More info forthcoming; ultimately, you don’t need to worry about this until June.


What’s New

  • Friendly FYI: New Providence is dismissing the light fee for everyone andthe court attendants this year. The door to the little hut and the bathroom facilities is scheduled to be put on an automatic timer this spring.
  • * Prizes/Accolades: This year we’re upping the ante: prizes will be awarded to the winner(s) of each of the leagues: spring, summer, fall. Sorry, drop-in round robin people: this doesn’t apply to you.  Prizes will be awarded at our Annual Meeting in December.
  • Singles Ladder:Thanks to Donald Doran for stepping up and agreeing to be the coordinator for the ladder. Details will be forthcoming, but the ladder will be open to men and women.
  • Clearwater Tournament:This summer, in addition to the Walther Cup (5/30) and the Pioneer Cup (7/18), we’ll also be playing a new tournament against Clearwater on Aug. 15.



Your Board